Factors that are critical for extending life of Transformers

Factors that are critical for extending life of Transformers

Transformers play a pivotal role in the generation and distribution of electricity. The failure in the working of transformers can cause big problems resulting into the power failure or short circuits in industries or residential areas. It is one of the reasons why it is advised to buy premium quality transformers from well-certified manufacturers like Macroplast Tranformers. But if you wish to keep your transformer in excellent working condition for long time, you must check a few other factors as well. In this blog, we are sharing a few factors that one must consider for increasing the life of transformers.

Overloading or overheating

Transformers come with different load capacities and it is always advised not to overload it to avoid any problem. Continuous overloading leads to the degradation in the performance of the transformers making them less efficient. Similarly, overheating also causes trouble in the functioning of transformers. They require proper cooling and proper temperature maintenance to ensure that they work efficiently. Transformers should be placed in an environment where they can get cool down easily.

Use of duplicate or cheap components

During the repairing and maintenance of transformers, replacing faulty components using duplicate or cheap quality components also reduces the lifecycle of transformers. It is one of the reasons why it is always advised to get original parts to avoid any further problem in the transformers. Original components are expensive but they come with warranty and are long lasting which helps transformers function effectively.

Operating conditions

When using transformers, one must also check that they are used under right operating conditions. Apart from the temperature one must also check the weather conditions if the transformers are placed outside. Ensure that transformer is not placed in high humidity. Continuous exposure to dust also reduces its lifecycle making it work poorly. So always ensure that the transformer that you are using matches the environment of that place and is best suited for it.

Regular maintenance

The basic rule of keeping transformers in best working condition is to get them checked regularly for maintenance. It helps in detecting any faults in transformers on time which results in reducing the downtime. Along with getting transformers checked regularly, it is also essential to get them maintained by supplying regular oil. Do get it cleaned regularly if it gets accumulated with dust. Check the performance of the transformers to ensure that it is working with same efficiency.

Keeping all these factors into consideration will help in boosting the life span of transformers. But to extend its life from the day you purchased, it is advised to buy it from Macroplast Transformers; known for its reliable and exceptional quality transformers.


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